Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Don't be a lazy lover!

Ever wonder or ask yourself why they cheated? Why sex with you wasn't a most have? I know that sounds harsh but believe it or not sex is supposed to be enjoyed!  This is the one thing you should be wanting to do and it shouldn't be a chore. 
I can say I've had my share of awful sexual partners and it almost ruined sex for me! I mean after them I didn't care if I ever had sex again!  Boy I'm glad that I started better choices! I started first trying to see what Others really saw in me. Then I started to really pay attention to me. What made me feel good and what didn't. Yes, I masturbate and I advise you to do it too! No one knows you better than you! How do you think your partner is going to know? They will just do to you what they think makes you feel good or even worse what they did with their last partner! Here are some tips : 1. Learn to love yourself: get over they I'm too fat, too skinny, butt and breast aren't like the Photoshop model! Secret (theirs are not either) 2. Know what you like and don't like: don't be afraid to tell your partner if something is hurting you! If it doesn't feel good! You should be having sex with someone you trust anyway. 3. Don't just lay there: there are plenty of toys out there for that! Then they don't even need to have you and it's cheaper! 4.Think of sex as a dance: (unless you are rhythm challenged) You should move a grind and the same tempo! Play some music if you can't think of any and rock their world! 5.Shop and add some spice to it don't be afraid to try new things! that

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